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"Don't Hire Me": 2 Cautions

Before I try to dissuade you from hiring me, I'll tell you what I do for clients seeking to publish a book:

  • If you're seeking a contract with a traditional publisher, I review your book proposal, and coach you on how to strengthen it.
  • If you're planning to self-publish, I offer a developmental edit of your book, which is the first of several edits you'll need on the road to publication.

But I don't want you to hire me to do either of those things without counting the cost.

1. Traditional publishing

Authors are submitting proposals with compelling ideas and beautifully written prose, but if he/she doesn't have a "platform" to help a publisher sell that book, publishers often have to say "no."

What that means, practically, is that you need to be reaching readers right now, in any variety of ways: blogging, speaking, social media, publishing articles, etc. (Check out Michael Hyatt's book Platform for ideas about building yours.)

Sometimes a smaller publisher can take a chance on an author with a smaller platform, if they really believe in what you're writing, but those opps are few and far between.

2. Self-Publishing

Front end: I want you to know that self-publishing requires a sizeable investment of money for a developmental edit, line edit, proofreaders, cover design, interior design, printing, etc.

Back end: When you choose to self-publish, you become responsible for selling every single book. Don't choose this path without having a clear plan about how you'll sell those books.

If you have any questions, visit to send me a message. I am FOR you.

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